About us

  • 1979

    Our humble beginnings

    The Print & Mail Room commonly known as Reprographics was born into the world. We arrived into the cradling arms of the Civic Centre in Wolverhampton!

  • 1980-2010

    Millions of pages printed!

    We printed in excess of 100 million sheets over 30 years.

  • March 2011

    Transformers in disguise!

    We began our transformation to the new Digital Print Solutions team.

  • December 2017

    We take delivery of the first batch of new printers

    The Roland SGV-640!

  • September 2018

    Another printer arrives!

    The Roland XF-640!

  • November 2019

    Our most recent and greatest printer arrives!

    The Roland versaUV S-Series LEJ-640S-F400 Flatbed is one of only two in the country!

  • February 2020

    Transition to our new web offering

    We establish our revamped online presence.

  • July 2020

    Release Two

    We start to sell our entire catalogue online!

  • August 2020

    Release Three and further expansion

    To infinity and beyond?

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